A couple who have transformed a tired looking B&B in Monmouth into an impressive eatery, art gallery and eight-bedroom retreat have shared the challenges they have faced in starting up a business in lockdown, the frustration of not yet being able to share their business with the public, and why it is now more important than ever to support local businesses. JONATHON HILL met them to hear more.

KENNY John and husband Ben Price took over a restaurant and B&B at 7 Church Street in Monmouth in January this year, and soon set to work on transforming the property in the face of horrendous flooding - followed soon by the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr John, who is director at Creates, explained: "It's been like a chapter from the Bible, it's unbelievable and not something we could ever have planned for. We've gone from being really excited to it being a sombre time.

South Wales Argus:

(The Deer room and the Hare Warren room at Creates)

"Within a matter of days all of our bookings were cancelled for the next couple of months and we've had to furlough seven employees, which has been heartbreaking."

While it has been a less than ideal start to their new venture, they have wasted no time during lockdown in making sure they continue their momentum.

South Wales Argus:

The pair have spent weeks renovating the bedrooms at Creates, giving each room a different woodland theme to reflect the Wye Valley.

"Ben is an engineer by trade but he has a passion for interiors and creating quirky furniture designs," said Mr John, "which has helped us to create that distinct woodland feature.

"Each room has been updated to give a boutique hotel vibe, and all the rooms have new bathrooms too.


"With the unusual amount of time Ben and I have on our hands now, we've been able to work together to get the rooms ready for when we open."

Mr John also believes the break from customers has given them a moment for "reflection".

"We have worked so hard on this new venture, and it was an awful feeling when we had to close, but we remain positive that we will open soon and we know that we will be ready to invite our customers and guests back," he said.

South Wales Argus:

(Kenny John - left - and husband Ben Price)

As well as the rooms, Creates is home to a stunning art gallery which houses local artists' designs, and from artists further afield. And as visitors aren't able to go to Creates, Mr John has been busy updating the website to bring the artwork to them.

They are proud to have used only local materials when renovating the property, and have made a plea to residents to come out in force for local businesses when lockdown is over.

"We have sourced our materials from local suppliers to support businesses in Monmouth, and we have used Welsh-based businesses for materials that we could not source in the immediate area," Mr John said.

South Wales Argus:

"As our business has completely shutdown other than online, we don't have any finances coming in, and we know there are many others facing this situation.

"It has become so important to us to help other small and independent business so that they survive this time of uncertainty too.

"We encourage the public to think of local outlets at this time, and instead of buying small items from chain stores look to your local shops and independents."

To find out more about what Creates has in store, you can visit the website at www.createsmonmouth.com.