THE WELSH Government has tightened lockdown regulations to clamp down on people travelling to second homes in Wales.

The new regulations, which come in to effect tomorrow (Saturday), adjust the requirement for people to not leave the place they live, to now being a requirement not to leave or remain away from that place.

As well as cracking down on people travelling to second homes, this also means people who leave their house - to shop for food, for example - cannot remain outside to do other things.


The adjustments do relax lockdown measures in some areas, as people with particular health conditions or disabilities will be allowed to leave home to exercise more than once a day.

The First Minister said this change was designed to help families with children with learning disabilities and autism in particular.

Mark Drakeford will be offering more information at a press conference later today.

He said: “The restrictions are staying in place, which mean you must stay at home to save lives and protect the NHS.

“Over the last few months, we have taken unprecedented steps to protect everyone, but particularly those most at risk from serious illness. This approach has helped the NHS prepare and cope with coronavirus and it has also helped to save many lives.

“The changes we are introducing supplement the rules already in force but they respond to some challenges being faced in parts of the country and by families throughout Wales.

“Our message has not changed – anyone can get coronavirus, anyone can spread it. So please, stay home, protect the NHS, and save lives.”

Other changes include applying the two metre physical distancing duty on premises used for “click and collect” style services, widening the definition of vulnerable person to include other specific groups or conditions where people could benefit from assistance and to whom providing supplies is a reasonable excuse for another person to leave home - for example, people with dementia - and extending the physical distancing duty to cafés accessible by the public in hospitals, and those responsible for canteens in schools, prisons and for use by the armed forces,