FOLLOWING yesterday's article on tales of big cat sightings across the UK, some of you have sent photos into the Argus with your own theories.

After the discovery of large paw prints nearby the dismembered remains of a deer by a dog-walker near Dartmoor, stories of big cat sightings have surfaced again – and Gwent and South Wales is no exception.

Jodi Hunt sent in this photo over the bank holiday weekend, taken in a field in Newport.

Ms Hunt said on close inspection she is positive the marks are “huge paw prints”.

“The previous day (to when the photo was taken) my daughters and I had seen a big animal,” she said. “I’m not sure what it was, but we saw it while walking and it was staring at us from under a tree.

“The animal was far away in the distance, but I could tell it was big!

“I went walking in the same field a day later, and found these paw prints.”

South Wales Argus:


A little further afield in Merthyr, Debra Winter says she has actually seen a big cat in the wild, and has shared her photos.

South Wales Argus:

“My colleague and I were at Prince Charles Hospital on May 4 at 5.38am, looking out the window,” she said. “We noticed a large black cat moving slowly on the newly constructed path close to the helipad.

“It looked about the size of a dog, but moved like a predatory cat. It caught our attention immediately, and we watched it until it went out of our sight.

South Wales Argus:

“We knew it wasn’t a normal cat so mentioned it to our colleagues. As far as I’m aware there have been no other sightings.”

If you’re out and about in Gwent for a stroll – keep your eyes peeled. You might get more than you bargained for!