A DANGEROUS driver nearly crashed head-on into a van as he overtook cars on the wrong side of the road as he fled police in a Mini.

Matthew Swift, 42, of Oakfield Road, Newport, ran five red lights as he led officers on a high-speed chase through busy traffic in the city.

Prosecutor Nuhu Gobir said the defendant was driving the Mini when he was stopped by police on Corporation Road on the evening of February 19.

After officers pulled up in front of him Swift sped off, reaching a speed of 60mph in the 30mph zone as he was pursued.


Mr Gobir told the court: “He was driving at 70mph on the SDR where the speed limit is 50mph and then went along Nash Road which is a built-up area.

“Whilst overtaking, he nearly had a head-on collision after missing a van travelling in the opposite direction.

“On Dewstow Street, he reversed into the police vehicle, causing damage to the front of the car.

“He travelled back towards the city centre and drove along Jones Street, a one-way street, the wrong way.”

Swift was arrested by the police after he was blocked in at Stow Hill.

Mr Gobir told Cardiff Crown Court the defendant had driven through five red lights during the 10-minute chase.

Swift admitted dangerous driving, possessing crack cocaine, possessing cannabis, driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence and driving without insurance.

The court heard he had 26 previous convictions for 46 offences, but had not been in trouble with the police for nine years since he was convicted of driving without insurance earlier this year.

Gareth Williams, representing Swift, said: “There is no mitigation on the driving. It was dangerous.

“The defendant knows that people could have been seriously hurt. He’s ashamed of what he’s done.

“He’s brought his bag to court today. He’s realistic about the sentence.”

Judge Michael Fitton QC told Swift: “As a piece of dangerous driving, it was shocking.

“You were driving in and out of traffic on busy streets at around 7pm when streetlights and car lights were on.

“There are people going about their ordinary business. Other drivers are clearly shocked by the way you were driving. They are astonished. There are a series of narrow misses.

“You overtake a series of vehicles on the wrong side of the road.

“It is an appalling example of bad driving.”

He jailed Swift for 12 months and he was banned from driving for two years and ordered to sit an extended retest.