DRINKING and driving are two things that one should never undertake at the same time.

It’s an obvious matter of security, both for yourself and the others.

Insurance company Hello-Safe crossed official numbers to see which areas are the most impacted by drink driving in the UK.

Wales ranks as the second safest place in the UK, behind only Scotland.

According to the most recent figures, there were an average of 12.11 casualties per 100,000 people in Wales in 2018.

That equated to 380 injuries or fatalities on the roads.

There were 80 people killed or seriously injured in 240 accidents caused as a result of drink driving.

Ten of those accidents involved fatalities.

The worst affected area was the West Midlands, with 18.11 casualties per 100,000 people.

The best area was Scotland which suffered just 7.36 casualties per 100,000 people.


As concerns 2020, the UK government has announced a 3 per cent annual rise in the number of drink drive crashes on Great-Britain’s roads - despite the fact that roads were almost empty during the 3 months of lockdown.

Hello-Safe developed a drink and drive calculator which shows whether you are safe to drive.

Antoine Fruchard, insurance expert and CEO at Hello-Safe.co.uk, said: “Too many Brits still die every year on the roads because of dangerous behaviours that are unfortunately very hard to ban from the British society.

"However, the case of Scotland brings many hopes, showing that stricter rules can turn into really lower numbers in terms of drink and drive related casualties in comparison with England & Wales.

"Other numbers tend to show that the 16-24 age category accounts for approximatively 24 per cent of the alcohol-related accidents, which makes the young drivers very vulnerable to this.

"The prevention work that the government has tried to lead over the years must be strengthened in every UK school and university, so that one day we do not have to weep the deaths of our young compatriotes on our roads."