AROUND 1,300 pupils across Blaenau Gwent schools are currently self-isolating following positive coronavirus cases.

Of 25 schools across the county borough, 19 have been affected by coronavirus cases in the past week alone.

The county borough council’s director of education, Lynn Phillips, said the “number of pupils self-isolating in the past week has increased drastically”.

In addition to the 1,300 pupils, there are currently 66 staff members self-isolating, which has impacted “opportunities to provide face-to-face learning”.

From today, schools in Blaenau Gwent are adopting a blended learning approach and moving learning online until the end of term on December 18.

Mr Phillips said the decision to move to remote learning was based on the evidence.


Blaenau Gwent currently has one of the highest infection rates in Wales. Yesterday the county borough reported 74 additional cases according to Public Health Wales, and the infection rate currently stands at a seven-day rolling average of 574 cases per 100,000 people, the third highest in Wales.

The executive member for education Cllr Joanne Collins said there has been “unanimous support for the decision from head teachers”.

She said: “This is especially welcome in the Tredegar cluster which we know have been hit particularly hard.

“I remain absolutely resolute that this is the right move for BG in the circumstances.”

The leader of the council Cllr Nigel Daniels said the decision was “unanimous” and it was the right one for the county borough.