FORTY years ago Dale and Carol Oakley decided they’d start decorating their home for Christmas.

“Not the done thing then”, Mrs Oakley said, “but we wanted to make it special in our own little way”.

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Mr Oakley found a long branch which he decorated and hung in the porch, and it captured the attention of the community.

“We had lots of people saying how much they enjoyed it and how different it was,” he said.

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Carol and Dale Oakley at their house on Mathern Road

Forty years later and the pair could genuinely be living in the most Christmassy house in the whole of Wales.

Beautiful lights and ornaments outside don’t quite do it justice – inside their home on Mathern Road in Chepstow is awash with festive figurines, tinsel and trees.

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Astonishingly Mr Oakley used to do it all overnight on Christmas Eve to add to the excitement of Christmas Day for his four children – now all grown up.

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“We were always so tired on Christmas Day afterwards, but it was a lot of fun seeing the kids’ faces when they woke up,” said Mrs Oakley.


This time it has taken them months to prepare, but Mr Oakley says the reaction from the community always makes it worthwhile – and this year that reaction has been even more prevalent.

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“I felt it was really important this year more than any other year,” he said. “It’s been a difficult year for everyone and I felt it was right to do as much as I could.”

The pair have four children, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, and this year – like everyone’s festive celebrations – will be very different.

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“Christmas Day is usually like a revolving door in our house, and to think that’s not going to be the case this year is sad,” Mrs Oakley added. “But we have to remember it’s only one year – and I hope it’s not worth killing granny over. We are hoping for a big celebration next year.”

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On whether the restrictions have taken away from the excitement this year, she said: “A little, yes. Normally we’d have lots of people coming in and looking inside. People are always knocking the door and we’ve loved welcoming visitors in over the years.

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“The best thing is when some of the dads come in and admit they weren’t as Christmassy before they came, and we’ve made them feel really festive.

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“I could cry when I think of all the money we’ve spent, but it makes it all worth it when we see those smiling faces.”