PLANS to make Newport Civic Centre’s clock tower safer and easier to clean have been approved by the Welsh Government.

Towering above the main Grade II*-listed building, the clock tower is among the most prominent features in the city’s skyline.

But despite its majestic potential, early this year some residents commented on its dirty appearance.

South Wales Argus:

An existing ladder which is to be replaced. Picture: Newport council/Alwyn Jones Architects

Newport council previously said cleaning the tower is a “labour-intensive operation” and that specialist scaffolding is required due to “complex access issues”.

But plans to make the operation easier and safer, enabling better conservation of the building have now won approval.

A listed building application says access into the clock tower “will be significantly improved so that it will be safer and to current standards, whereas it is not currently”.


Works to be carried out include replacing scaffold-tube handrails on the sides of the clock tower with a new lanyard-type fall protection cable system, which would allow workers to clip on to the new cable when accessing the flat roof area.

The replacement will “enable much better and safer access for maintenance and inspection and this will enable better conservation of the building”, a heritage impact statement says.

The current arrangement to access the clock tower is “extremely hazardous” as there is no guarding around its perimeter, the statement adds.

South Wales Argus:

The existing access is "extremely hazardous" with no guarding around the perimeter. Picture: Newport council/Alwyn Jones Architects

A new steel ladder will also replace an existing one to provide safer access to the roof around the clock tower base.

A new roof covering will also be installed, while doors which provide maintenance and inspection access into the clock tower will be replaced.

The existing door, dating to 1964 when the clock tower was built, is allowing “large quantities” of rainwater to pool the clock tower floor, it is said.

South Wales Argus:

Handrails which are to be replaced. Picture: Newport council/Alwyn Jones Architects

A water tank from inside the clock tower will also be replaced and new steel stairs will be installed.

A listed building application to carry out the works was approved by Welsh Government and supported by heritage body, Cadw.

A Cadw inspector said the application “does not entail any significant changes to the original features of the building and does not foresee to have a detrimental effect upon the historic fabric of the Newport Civic Centre”.

“The internal and external refurbishment will actually help maintain the building for the future and help make the building/premises a sustainable working environment and help to reduce damp levels, within the building,” the inspector added.