THE South Wales Argus Camera Club has more than 4,200 members and we regularly feature their pictures both in paper and online.

But we thought it would be good to find out more about the people who make up the club.

If you are a member of the club and want to be part of the our Behind the Lens feature go to and fill out the easy to use Q&A.

Today we meet Andy Howson, of Rogerstone. He is 53 and works in engineering.

South Wales Argus: Dawn at Angkor Wat

Dawn at Angkor Wat


When and why did you take up photography?

I had been using a bridge camera at motor sport events but the results weren’t what I wanted. An old friend of mine, who has been a photographer for years, pushed me into buying my first DSLR in 2009. Haven’t looked back since!

Why do you love taking pictures?

It gives me a purpose, either while travelling or at home. Rather than just go for a walk, take pictures of that walk. Download and edit them, print them if you can and have your individual memories in your house.

South Wales Argus: Day out in Petra, Jordan

Day out in Petra, Jordan

Where is your favourite place to take pictures?

I like anywhere with machinery: cars, planes, boats, trains, tanks, anything. I also like the old industrial areas of South Wales

What equipment do you use?

Olympus EM-1, Olympus Trip 35, iPhone 12

South Wales Argus: Llanthony Priory

Llanthony Priory

What is the favourite picture you have taken?

I was on a working trip to Cambodia. We got up very early to catch the dawn at Angkor Wat. The sunrise and the clouds were spectacular with the temple in silhouette. I’ve been back twice and it hasn’t even been close! Lovely country, great people, very photogenic...

Why did you join the SWACC?

I have only recently discovered the group on Facebook. It gives me an insight into what other local photographers are up to and helps me to choose future shooting locations.

South Wales Argus: Spitfire Scramble

Spitfire Scramble

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be?

I would like to go to Pripyat in Ukraine just to see the abandoned town after the Chernobyl disaster.

South Wales Argus: Overgrown Austin

Overgrown Austin

What advice would you give anyone who wants to get into photography?

Just do it. Digital is very forgiving and you can learn at your own pace and budget.