IT'S been a long time since we have been able to enjoy a carnival parade with crowds of onlookers lining the streets. But when they do happen again they are plenty of fun and bring the community together. Here's a look back at the 2003 carnival in Monmouth.

South Wales Argus: A vintage car rolling past Agincourt Square in Monmouth for the 2003 carnival

A vintage car rolling past Agincourt Square in Monmouth

South Wales Argus: Monmouth Carnival_Monmouth AM David Davies gets a ride in a sixties Mini Moke- a vehicle made famous by the Prisioner TV programme.

Then-Monmouth AM David Davies gets a ride in a sixties Mini Moke - a vehicle made famous by The Prisoner TV programme

South Wales Argus: A tale of Richard the Lionheart at Monmouth carnival

A tale of Richard the Lionheart


South Wales Argus: A tractor joins the carnival in Monmouth in 2003

A tractor joins the carnival in Monmouth

South Wales Argus: Children from Overmonnow as the Welsh Dragon

Children from Overmonnow as the Welsh Dragon

South Wales Argus:  Members of  Wyesham Social Club as characters from the Harry Potter books

Members of Wyesham Social Club as characters from the Harry Potter books

South Wales Argus: The haunted house of horror float at Monmouth carnival in 2003

The haunted house of horror float

South Wales Argus: The children and helpers of Puddleducks Nursery from Raglan with tehir float supported by the local regiment RERM (Militia

The children and helpers of Puddleducks Nursery from Raglan with their float supported by the local regiment