HERE is a round up of the public notices which have appeared in the South Wales Argus over the last week:

* The Newport Harbour Commissioners are a trust body, with statutory responsibilities for management and conservancy over an area defined by a line drawn from Goldcliff Point to Peterstone Gout and upriver to the tidal limit of Newbridge-on-Usk.

They are in the process of appointing commissioners for a three-year term, commencing November 1, 2021.

Details of the activities and responsibilities of Newport Harbour Commissioners, together with the specific skills required by the board, can be found at together with an application form. Alternatively, this information can be sent to you by post - apply to the Clerk, NHC, 24 Bridge Street, Newport, NP20 4SF, or telephone 01633 265323. The deadline for receipt of completed application forms is September 1, 2021.

* Steven and Natalie Lewis trading as Lewis Loading Services of 238 Malpas Road, Newport, is applying for a Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence to add an operating centre to keep one goods vehicle and one trailer at R C Marshall Haulage, B6 Alexandra Dock, West Way Road, Newport.

* Cuff and Gough LLP, Banstead, are looking for anyone who may have a claim against or an interest in the estate of Frederick Norman Roots (deceased), formerly of 19 Hamilton Road, London, who died on March 10, 2021.

* Newport City Council is to temporarily ban traffic from waiting at any time on the northern side of Clytha Park Road, from the existing double yellow lines outside 26 Clytha Park Road for a distance of 51 metres in an easterly direction to the existing double yellow lines outside 28 Clytha Park Road. The reason for making the order is to ensure pedestrian safety by enabling the introduction of a temporary footway scheme which will redirect pedestrians safely around the existing large trees and uneven footway.

* The Welsh Government is to stop up part of Lliswerry Road, Newport, to allow development work to be carried out.

The length of road to be stopped up is on the northern side of Lliswerry Road from the corner of Aberthaw Road, heading north-easterly for a maximum length of 68m and a maximum width of 7m.

The move is to allow the redevelopment of the former Seven Stile Public House and Ladyhill Daycare Centre, Aberthaw Road, to provide 39 dwellings and associated access, infrastructure, parking and landscaping.

* Caerphilly County Borough Council has received a premises licence application for Church Farm of 4 Mynyddiswlyn. It is proposed to run a music event from noon to midnight with the sale of alcohol available from noon to 11.30pm.

* Newport City Council is to temporarily closing footpaths 397/9, 397/3 and 397/10 along Cot Hill, Newport. No alternative route can be made available during this closure. The reason is to accommodate construction works of consented development and prior to permanent diversion routes being constructed. The order comes in to force on August 17 and will continue in force for a period not exceeding six months or until the works which it is proposed to carry out have been completed, whichever is the earlier.

* Newport City Council is to temporarily ban traffic from proceeding along the A48 Southern Distributor Road from its junction with Pont Ebbw Roundabout to its junction with M4 J24 Coldra. Alternative routes will be provided. The reason for making the order is to enable essential maintenance works to be undertaken. The order starts on August 23, 2021, and will be in force for a period of no more than 18 months. It is anticipated that road closures will be undertaken in phases for various lengths along the SDR. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Emergency vehicle access will be available, albeit with a short delay to move plant.

* Highways England is to temporarily ban traffic from the Severn Bridge to allow the Severn Bridge Half Marathon to take place.

The closure will take place on August 29, 2021, between 7.30am and 12.30pm.

It will affect both carriageways and sliproads and the alternative routes will take traffic over the Prince of Wales Bridge.

The closures and diversion routes will be clearly indicated by traffic signs during the event.

* Andrew Payne trading as Truck Support Ltd of 13 Albion Close, Newport, is applying to change an existing Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence to keep four goods vehicles and four trailers at the operating centre at City Market Site, Mill Parade, Newport.

* Monmouthshire County Council’s Raglan Transport Department of Station Road, Raglan, is applying to change an existing Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence to keep an extra three good vehicles at the operating centre at Highways Depot, Malpas, Newport.