MORE volunteers are needed for a ‘buddy scheme’ run by Caerphilly County Borough Council and Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO).

The scheme began in March 2020 to help people in Caerphilly County Borough who needed support during the pandemic.

Those who sign up to be a buddy will be expected to do tasks such as shopping for food and essentials, posting mail, and giving residents who are lonely a phone call. Volunteers can decide how much time they can give.

Deputy leader of the council Cllr Jamie Pritchard previously acted as a buddy for three residents and recounted the experience as “one of the most rewarding of (his) life”.

Cllr Pritchard said: “By becoming a ‘buddy’ you could help a vulnerable resident with their weekly shop or you could give them a friendly phone call to let them know they’re not alone – either way, you’ll be providing invaluable support to people who really need your help. The council is always looking for volunteers, so if you would like to get in touch, please do so.”


To register an interest in becoming a buddy, email Caragh Porter, volunteer co-ordinator, at or call or text 07483128080 between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Previously, leader of the council, Cllr Philippa Marsden said: “The community response buddy scheme really has been instrumental in ensuring that support was in place for anyone who needed it during their period of shielding or self isolation; complementing the commendable work that has been taking place on a more local level through mutual aid groups.

“The success of the buddy scheme has allowed us to build on our understanding of the needs of our communities, and we’ve been able to build an initiative around those needs. It has also opened up a new way of how we work with our communities.”

All volunteers will have to do a DBS check and an induction before starting as a buddy.