NEWPORT City Council could sell some land to the health board to make way for a new “super-surgery” in Ringland.

Plans to replace the “no longer fit for purpose” health centre in Ringland were approved in March 2021.

If the sale is backed by councillors, the land adjoining the current health centre, which totals 1.43 acres, will be sold for £256,001.

The new health centre will include a GP surgery, dental services, family and therapy facilities, pharmacy, midwifery and community nurses and adult social care.

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board would provide a new playing field  to replace the one on the proposed site of the development.

Councillors are currently being consulted on the sale and have been asked to comment by 4pm on Monday, December 20.

In the consultation report, the Head of People and Business at the council said: “The development of the new Newport East Health and Wellbeing Centre as part of the existing Ringland Hub has the potential to provide considerable social well-being benefits to communities in the area.”