ABERGAVENNY Lido Group Committee has announced that a feasibility study into building a new lido in the town will begin after securing enough funding.

The group applied to The Vale of Usk Local Action Group and received £20,000 towards the study.

The funding was from the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

As the study will cost around £25,000 and the group had already received donations from other groups and individuals, it will now go ahead.

The study will look into the cost of building a lido, the sustainability of the project, associated income generations and more.

It is expected that the feasibility study will be completed by summer this year.

The lido is planned to be built on the site of the old lido at Bailey Park, though the committee says it will be built entirely from scratch using modern methods.

George Foster, chair of Abergavenny Lido Group Committee, said: "With the resurgence in open air swimming and wild swimming it (the lido) is  something that I think is going to be incredibly popular.

"The fact that it can be used all year round and outdoors is great.

"It should be able to be used for a wide range of activities as well, such as triathlons and leisure swimming."

The group believe that once the study is over, the lido can be built within two to three years.

Mr Foster said: "There's a huge amount of affection for the old pool amongst people in the area, which we hope to rekindle.

"It has been 22 years now since it disappeared and it's about time we got something back again.

"Abergavenny is a lovely part of the country and it deserves something like this that could be a real asset to the town.

"We're not just doing it for ourselves, we're doing it for the community, because we believe in it and we think it's worth all the effort."


The group expressed gratitude towards donors Abergavenny Town Council, Anthony A Davies, Casa Bianca Restaurant, Magic Little Grants, Persimmon Homes and the Welsh Church Fund.

They also thanked evryone who contrubted by buying raffle tickets, their Facebook supporters and those who have contributed through Local Giving.