Since the end of January, Wales has returned to alert level zero, the lowest level of Covid rules, which is great news!

This marks a significant milestone on the road to normality with rules limiting socialising in pubs, bars and restaurants being removed and nightclubs able to reopen. The isolation period for people who tested positive for covid has been cut to five full days.

Face masks are still required to be worn in shops, hospitals and on public transport but are no longer needed in bars and restaurants.

Although it would be foolish to say that the pandemic has gone away it is increasingly clear that the omicron variant is a milder form of coronavirus .

In Wales, nearly two million people have received their booster jab and nearly two and a half million have had two doses of the vaccine.

Thanks to the successful vaccine procurement and rollout programmes, the UK has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and credit to the UK government and all of the professionals and volunteers who ensured we received the vaccine in a timely manner.

Given the vaccine has proven to be the exit route from restrictions we must now question the need to curtail the freedom of the Welsh people and to close down sections of the economy.

We cannot lockdown and take away people’s freedom every time a new variant appears.

We need a date for the complete restoration of our freedoms when mask-wearing and isolating is a matter of self-responsibility and get on the road to recovery.

In June 2021, the Welsh Government announced it was freezing all new road and road improvement projects in Wales subject to a review by a Roads Review Panel.

This has meant much needed road projects, such as the Chepstow Bypass and many others have been put on hold. Now it is uncertain whether they will be allowed to proceed and what the future holds for roads across Wales.

As shadow Minister for Transport in the Senedd I want to hear your views about what you regard as the most urgent road problems in your locality? What is your transport tale? It could be the condition of the roads, road safety issues or congestion.

Whatever the issue please do get in touch, I would love to hear from you at