PLANS to make Abergavenny more accessible to walkers and cyclists have been unveiled by Monmouthshire County Council (MCC).

Council study findings suggest that many people who would otherwise walk or cycle between Llanfoist and Abergavenny are deterred by poor pedestrian and cycling connections provided across the existing Llanfoist Bridge crossing over the River Usk, as well as through Castle Meadows and Ysbytty Fields.

Existing routes across Castle Meadows and Ysbytty Fields do not comply with current active travel standards, according to the council.

The potential growth in the number of residents in Llanfoist may further impact on local highway performance, in turn making existing routes less attractive for future pedestrian and cyclist trips.


The council and its partners are working to develop a new and safer cycling and walking route between Llanfoist and Abergavenny.

Current access between Llanfoist and Abergavenny is over the existing Llanfoist Bridge, a scheduled monument which crosses the River Usk.

Consideration has been given to widening the existing bridge, however, the impact of this would, the council say, be too significant from a cultural and heritage perspective.

Therefore, it was determined that a new bridge is required downstream.

An application was subsequently submitted, and planning permission was granted in 2018.

The new bridge is proposed to be 60m long and 3m wide. A ‘Y’ shaped pier will support the bridge in the river. The bridge will comprise of timber and stainless steel deck construction.

The scheme also proposes improvements to the existing walking and cycling routes across Castle Meadows.

This entails re-surfacing and widening the existing routes across the meadows. 

The proposals also include a replacement of the existing footbridge over the River Gavenny.

The existing routes around Abergavenny Castle will be bounded and widened.

Each of the proposed new routes will be fully lit by a low-level lighting.

In addition, it is proposed to upgrade the existing gates on Castle Meadows, comprising a gate and cattle grid. This will, the council say, allow free flow for the users and will also help stop cows venturing off the meadows.

MCC are asking the public for their opinions on these proposals. A public survey is available on the council's website.