250 HUNGRY school children chomped their way through apples, bananas, and oranges, as well as some more exotic fruits at Ringland Primary School yesterday.

The healthy-eating fruit-tasting day was held to raise awareness of different fruits growing around the world and to provide a tasty and healthier alternative to sweets and crisps.

"We used to have a tuck shop selling crisps and snacks but after half term we will be replacing it with a fruit cafe," said Lisa Bowden, Head Teacher of Ringland Primary.

Miss Bowden said kids had been trying a range of different fruits and would vote for their favourite five to be sold continuously in the new fruit-based tuck shop - where pupils would be both shoppers and shopkeepers.

"The school council have done it all themselves and will order their own fruit weekly and pay for it using their own bank account," Miss Bowden said.