The return of the popular Late, Late, Christmas Show to Usk's Memorial Hall played to a full house who welcomed each of the fourteen acts with enthusiasm. Organised by Usk Mayor, Jill Jeremiah, the show raised £1,600. Of this, £400 will go to the Jane Hathaway Leukaemia Fund and the remainder to the Mayor's charities for this year. These include the junior cricket team, Usk Youth Brass band, Usk scouts, and the town Christmas lighting fund.

As well as arranging the event, Jill took part as one of the Spice Girls, playing Scary Spice, along with Jane Clarke (Ginger Spice), Karen Owen (Posh Spice) Lynne Farrell (Baby Spice) and Diane Richards (Sporty Spice).

"It was an enjoyable evening, with some new faces alongside those who had been in it before, and I'm really pleased with the amount raised," said Jill.