Godspell is loosely based on the Gospel According to St Matthew which means the story has been around for approximately 2000 years.

But that didn't show at all in Tuesday night's production as the bright, vibrant, multi talented cast sang and danced their hearts out in the Wales Millennium Centre.

While the story may be old and the show written in the 1970's this production brings it right up to date taking the parables of the bible and translating them into a language we can all understand in the 21st century.

It was brought right up to date with contemporary jokes and a slapstick humour.

The cast was very young but this did not detract from their professionalism as the whole cast was amazing.

A special mention must to Tom Bradley from ITV's Grease is the Word because his performance as Jesus displayed the themes of love, compassion and integrity that the show was trying to portray.

Also to Craig Purnell who played John the Baptist/Judas with great feeling and comedy.

A must see, uplifting performance, Godspell is playing in the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff until Sat 2nd Feb.