A TEENAGER who was part of a masked gang that carried out a brutal robbery which left a young father dead has been jailed.

Ethan Strickland was locked up after he was found guilty following a trial of the robbery of Newport dad Ryan O’Connor in Newport last summer.

The 19-year-old, of Clos Briallen, Caerau, Cardiff, was sent to a young offender institution for eight years.

The prosecution said he was targeted with hunting knives because he was carrying a Gucci bag the defendants wanted and stole.

South Wales Argus:

Ryan O’Connor

The prosecution said he was targeted because he was carrying a Gucci bag the defendants wanted and stole.

His co-defendants, Joseph Jeremy, 18, Lewis Aquilina, 20, were found guilty of murder and Kyle Raisis, 18, convicted of manslaughter.


They were sentenced on April 13.

Jeremy, formerly of Canton, Cardiff, was jailed for life and told he would have to serve at least 24 years in jail before being eligible for parole.

Aquilina, of Canton Court, Riverside, Cardiff, was also jailed for life and must serve at least 22 years before he can be considered for parole.

The judge, Mr Justice Saini, warned the two however that they may never be released.

Raisis, of Bartley Wilson Way, Canton, Cardiff, was jailed for 12 years and told he must serve two-thirds of that sentence in custody before being released.


Michael Brady QC, prosecuting, said the defendants had driven to Newport in a stolen Ford Fiesta ST car from their native Cardiff looking for trouble.

He said: "The defendants were on a road trip to commit crime.

“The speed and brutality with which he was attacked gave Mr O’Connor no chance.”

He had never met them before and they had no idea who he was.

David Elias, QC, representing Strickland, said: “He was 18 at the time of the offence and is only 19 now.

“The defendant was the most naïve and immature (of the gang).

“He had a relatively low IQ and was easy manipulated and easily led.”

Mr Elias added how his client did not get out of the car and had no previous convictions.

Mr Justice Saini told Strickland: “You provided assistance and encouragement to the murderers.”

South Wales Argus:

Noreen O’Driscoll  

He was told he would have serve two-thirds of his sentence in custody.

Strickland was jailed for a concurrent term of 18 months after he pleaded guilty to separate charges involving an earlier case.

He admitted being concerned in supplying cocaine and possessing the class A drug with intent to supply in Cardiff between August 2020 and March 2021.

Strickland’s sister Noreen O’Driscoll, 26, of Parker Road, Ely, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to the same charges and was sent to prison for two years and three months.