NEWPORT’S Dub War are back with their first album in 25 years.

The trio – Benji Webbe - frontman of metal outfit Skindred - Jeff Rose and Richie Glover – will be releasing new album Westgate Under Fire on August 5 through Earache Records.

Aside from single Fun Done which was released in 2016, the band have not released any music since 1996’s Wrong Side of Beautiful album, which came a year after their debut Pain.

When asked why Dub War decided to release new music after such a long time, Mr Webbe told the Argus: “It’s all to do with the pandemic if I’m honest.

“I wrote Skindred’s next album during my time at home and I had time to spare, so I reached out to Jeff and Richie and we got together and started working on new Dub War stuff.

“It’s come together pretty organically and for six of the songs we were able to get in a room with a fellow Newportonian, Mikey Gregg, and wrote a big chunk of the material in a rehearsal room together in Newport.”

South Wales Argus: Dub War are back with a new album after 25 years. Picture: Ania ShrimptonDub War are back with a new album after 25 years. Picture: Ania Shrimpton

The trio recorded six of the songs with drummer Mikey Gregory and the remaining six songs used drummers from across the music world. Featuring on the album is the late The Beat vocalist Ranking Roger, Faith No More drummer Mike Bordin, former Snot members Jamie Miller and Mikey Dowling, Ill Niño drummer Dave Chavarri, Spike Smith who has drummed for Killing Joke, Tanner Wayne, drummer of In Flames and Stone Sour's Roy Mayorga.

The album is called Westgate Under Fire to pay respect to around 4,000 Chartists who marched into Newport in protest of the government and seeking the right of democracy and to vote in a secret ballot.

Outside the Westgate Hotel, on November 4, 1839, the Chartists were involved in a bloody battle led by John Frost, where around 22 Chartists were killed and dozens more injured. Mr Webbe believes that the fact Newport played such a big part in democracy should be remembered and celebrated.

He said: “I really feel strongly about those who lost their lives outside the Westgate Hotel on that fateful night all those years ago.

“Newport had a massive part in the birth of democracy and that’s something we need to celebrate.

“It’s very important and that’s why we chose the name Westgate Under Fire so that people would look up exactly what happened.

“This story needs to be heard and never forgotten, hence why we used the mural which once stood proudly in the subway to John Frost Square.”

Dub War aim for the album to bring empowerment to those listening as the Chartists did to the people of both Newport and the UK.

“Even if one person is encouraged to keep on fighting in whatever struggle they face, it will be worth it," said Mr Webbe.

“I’ve already had hundreds contact me through the medium of social media and say they are uplifted by Get Back Up (the latest single from the album), so the mission is definitely on course.”


The album also touches on a number of important themes and topics. Opening track and lead single Blackkk Man is Mr Webbe’s cry from the heart for equal rights and justice following the murder of George Floyd. He told the Argus that racism has been a part of his life from a very early age and the impact it has had.

“From a very early age I dealt with racism," he said. "Even going to my white friends’ houses as a child and their father talks to you in a silly West Indian accent, this is where racism started for me.

South Wales Argus: Dub War in Westgate Hotel for a music video shoot. Picture: Ian AglandDub War in Westgate Hotel for a music video shoot. Picture: Ian Agland

“When people make you feel different because of the colour of your skin… They call it banter, but it still hurts and scars you, leaving an everlasting effect and division that never needed to be there in the first place.”

However, growing up in Pill provided a positive outlook and where Mr Webbe credits for the inspiration of his musical direction.

“When I was a kid growing up, Newport Pill was very multicultural and in Pill is where I found that most people embrace you for who you are not your nationality or creed," he said.

“Fortunately, Pill was a melting pot and I believe that my love for singing and writing music was inspired by this community.”

Dub War will be holding a Westgate Under Fire album release show on August 5 at the Westgate Hotel. “We are truly honoured to get the opportunity to perform at the Westgate, a venue in Newport that is dear to the band’s heart," said Mr Webbe.

“We have an amazing history in Newport and we should be very proud of our rich, diverse heritage.”

South Wales Argus:

Dub War will be releasing Westgate Under Fire on August 5 through Earache Records and performing the release show on the same date at Westgate Hotel in Newport with support from The Kennedy Soundtrack and Graveyard Johnnys. Tickets are available from Kriminal Records in Market Arcade and the album can be pre-ordered with merch bundles at