Here's the latest Argus column by Newport City Council leader Cllr Jane Mudd:

I WOULD like to start my column this month by paying tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II, who of course sadly passed away last week.

Like many citizens of Newport, our council’s staff, and our city’s councillors I was saddened the hear of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

From her first visit to a wartime Newport in 1944, to her momentous Coronation visit in 1953, celebrated by some 50,000 people, to her joining citizens to celebrate our Jubilee city status in 2002, our city’s love, respect and adoration for Her Majesty never faltered during the course of her reign.

For many Newportonians, Queen Elizabeth was a constant; a stay during good times and bad times for our country; a mother and a grandmother for our nation, a woman of tremendous kindness and warmth.

Her Majesty dedicated her life to public service, serving the British people for over 70 years. Losing a loved one is never easy, and of our thoughts are with her family at this difficult time.

She will be greatly missed by so many.

I would also like to congratulate King Charles III on his ascension to the throne and wish him a long and happy reign.

Nationally there have been many changes since the election in May. The death of the sovereign, the accession of her successor, a new Prime Minister and the emerging challenge that we all face in the cost of living crisis. Much has changed since the local elections in May but we have continued to work hard to deliver for the people of Newport. Newport Labour set out our ambitions for the city in our party manifesto. The next step in delivering those pledges has been to develop them into a strategic, robust and practical plan that the council will work to over the next five years – ensuring we fulfil the promises we made to the people of Newport.

A new corporate plan has been drafted based on four key themes that we think will make Newport a better place to live and work.

It builds upon achievements, sets out future aspirations, and focuses on creating opportunities for the city. It also recognises the challenges faced by Newport as we move on from the Covid pandemic and respond to the cost-of-living crisis. The four themes are: Economy, education and skills; Newport is a thriving and growing city that offers excellent education and aspires to provide opportunities for all.

Environment and infrastructure; A city that seeks to protect and enhance our environment whilst reducing our carbon footprint and preparing for a sustainable and digital future.

Quality social care and community services; Newport is a supportive city where communities and care are at the heart of what we do.

An inclusive, fair and sustainable council; Newport City Council is an inclusive organisation that places social value, fairness and sustainability at its core.

As the main document that sets out the priorities of the council, it is very important that residents, partners, and any interested parties have their say and help shape the future of our city – you can do that now at