A SUMMER campaign to reduce sexual assaults is being run by Gwent Police.

Last year the number of reported sexual assaults peaked in the summer months.

In January there were just 10 reports of sex attacks, compared to 20 in August.

Police say lighter evenings, sporting events, people being off work and college holidays all contributed to the increase. But they say the biggest link is with excessive drinking.

Inspector Terry Davies, of Gwent Police's community safety department, said: "It's not surprising that in the summer months, when people are in holiday mode, that more alcohol is consumed.

"Unfortunately this also means an increase in reports of sexual assaults.

Now police are running a campaign raising awareness of the link between drinking excess alcohol and the rise in reported sexual assaults.

But unlike the traditional Christmas campaign, this one is aimed at men, rather than women.

It highlights the link between men drinking excessive alcohol and ending up accused of sexual assault.

Posters will be displayed in gyms, leisure centres, colleges and gents toilets.

Inspector Davies said: "All men need to be alert to this message and take responsibility, not only to ensure the safety of others but also to protect themselves against possible allegations."

This year sexual offences were already up in the first four months of the year, with a peak of 21 reported in March alone, reinforcing the need for this campaign.

In 2006 there were 40 sexual offences reported between January and April.

In 2007 this rose slightly to 43. But in the first four months of this year, there were 67 sexual attacks reported to police.