On Thursday, April 10, the Llangybi branch of the Women's Institute celebrated 60 years of fun and friendship.

They were honoured to be joined by Fay Mansell, WI national chair, Daphne Bindon, county chairman of Gwent WI, and Cynthia Waterman, WI advisor for the Usk area, together with several past presidents and 22 current members, including a founder member, and also representatives from neighbouring WIs.

After a delicious buffet meal, prepared by the committee, they were entertained by Sylvia Williams and Judy Badman who took the crowd back 60 years down memory lane, with photos and anecdotes of life in the WI in the rural village of Llangybi.

Many changes have occurred in the village since the WI's formation 60 years ago but the essence of togetherness and care for the environment have been maintained with tender care and pride within Llangybi WI.