AN Abertillery man has been convicted of breaking into the home of a 95-year-old retired teacher.

John Woof, 35, was with another man, 30-year-old Christopher Chapman, when he burgled the home of Clifford Collier at Cwm Cottage Road, Abertillery in the early hours of November 10.

Woof, of Dukes Street, Abertillery, was found guilty of burglary after the jury had retired for an hour.

Chapman, of Rectory Villas, Crumlin, had pleaded guilty to the charge.

Prosecutor Kevin Seal said that when the pair broke in Mr Collier, who is hard of hearing, was in bed and was not aware of what happened.

But a neighbour alerted him when a broken pane of glass was spotted on a patio door.

The house had been searched untidily said Mr Seal and spirits, a wrist watch and a wallet and contents were taken.

Glass fragments found on Woof's clothing matched the glass on the patio door.

Woof denied taking part in the burglary but admitted purchasing the spirits from Chapman.

Sentence on Woof was adjourned until next week when Chapman will also be sentenced.

Judge Christopher Llewellyn-Jones told Woof: "You were found guilty on the plainest of evidence." He was remanded in custody.