A NEWPORT man was given a suspended jail sentence for head-butting a man in a city centre pub.

Ryan Davies, a 25-year-old roofer of Maesglas Crescent, Newport, pleaded guilty to wounding after attacking Joseph Madden.

Prosecutor John Probert told Cardiff Crown court that on June 16 last year Mr Madden and his wife had a quiet night out and after playing bingo went to the Potters pub in the city centre where he had about four pints of beer.

Davies was there and as Mr Madden stood at the bar he became aware of him standing close.

Suddenly Davies shouted an obsenity at Mr Madden.

Mr Madden was shocked by this remark and with that Davies grabbed him and head-butted him.

"Mr Madden later said the effect was like that of an explosion and blood poured down his face," said Mr Probert.

Outside the defendant again confronted the injured man.

When arrested Davies fully admitted the head-but and said it occurred because he had been verbally provoked.

The court heard in October last year Davies received a ten months sentence for causing actual bodily harm and after serving it he was charged with the present offence.

His counsel Andrew Jones said Davies had made a strong impression on the author of a pre-sentence report.

"Immediate custody would be destructive and harsh rather than constructive," he said.

The Judge Mark Furness told him: "You head-butted a man enjoying a quiet night out. He received a very unpleasant injury."

He was sentenced to eight months imprisonment suspended for two years, made subject to a supervision order for two years and was ordered to carry out 150 hours unpaid work for the community.