RESIDENTS in Blackwood are calling for action after a development has left pools of sewage collecting near their homes for years.

Work on a development behind Thorncombe Road car park began three years ago and cracked a sewage pipe, which resulted in sewage collecting in pools on the site.

Work on the site has now stopped until the problem can be resolved.

One resident close to the site described the smell from the pools, which has been noticeable for around two years, as "unbearable."

Nigel Daunter, 42, of High Street, said: "It's horrific, when the sun comes out you shut your doors because of the stench. No one wants to own the problem."

There is fencing around the site, but Mr Daunter added that children had got under it and into the sewage, and he's had to pull them out in the past.

A spokeswoman for Welsh Water said they were made of the problem in the past 12 months and are working with the council to identify who is responsible for the sewer.

Mr Daunter added: "There hasn't been any progress, it's so frustrating, there's been a lot of talking, but no doing."

The spokesman added: "The delay is regrettable however, we are bound to follow agreed procedure and due to the complex nature of this situation a delay has been unavoidable.

"Welsh Water endeavours to resolve issues like this as quickly as possible and a site meeting is being held with the local authority later this week to try and speed up proceedings.

A spokesman for Caerphilly Council said they were involved only from a public health perspective and are liaising with the developers to get the issues addressed.