SHOCKING images will help to drive home the dangers of "joyriding" to young people.

A vehicle crime awareness day is being held at New Inn fire station on May 16 for those already involved with the youth offending service because of motoring offences.

The aim of the programme is to being home the consequences of committing motoring offences.

During the day, participants will watch a scenario in which a pregnant women "dies" as a result of the illegal driving of a motorbike.

It will clearly demonstrate the consequences of so-called joyriding.

It is hoped the graphic experience will help to get over a serious message.

YOS operational manager Ron Boden said: "Vehicle crime and arson are offences that affect many people's lives - not just the immediate casualties and victims.

"Awareness days such as this are an excellent means of illustrating to youngsters the real consequences that their actions can and do have."

Similar previous events have proved extremely successful with many participants describing how it had helped open their eyes to the effect of vehicle crime in victims, families, communities and the emergency services.

In fact, no-one who has taken part in one of the days has gone on to re-offend.