OUR Pride of Gwent winners have been revealed and their prizes were awarded at a special ceremony at Rodney Parade.

The ceremony was packed with rousing stories of bravery, courage, dedication and selflessness, as some of the region’s true local heroes were honoured for their incredible achievements.

The top award of the night - named Pride of Gwent - went to Carol Mutlow, owner of Hannah’s Music in Chepstow and, amongst many other things, founder of the hugely popular annual Castell Roc festival.

Mrs Mutlow, who also collected the Gwent Police and Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner-sponsored Community Hero Award, spoke movingly about her late daughter after being crowned.

Hannah Mutlow, whose dream had been to stage music events in her hometown, was just 16 when she passed away following a battle with cystic fibrosis.

Her mum opened Hannah’s Music shop in tribute to the teenager and then went on to start Castell Roc – and she has organised many more events to bring the people of Chepstow together.

For more on this year's winners click here, and click through the gallery above for a series of pictures from the event.