A MAN who glassed a stranger four times in a crowded nightclub and left the victim with a scar on his face was handed a suspended prison sentence.

Daniel Woodward, 25, attacked Ceri Black at Mojos in Newport during the early hours of Sunday, October 31, 2021.

Cardiff Crown Court was played CCTV footage of the shocking violence.

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James Evans, prosecuting, said: “It was a completely unprovoked attack.

“They didn’t know each other.

“The complainant was just walking behind the defendant.

“There were lots of people making contact with each other and the victim didn’t make any unusual movement.

“The defendant stuck him four times and as your honour can see, he is a powerfully built man and he struck him with considerable force.”

Mr Evans added: “He said he didn’t know the glass was in his hand.

“It’s not something the prosecution accept.

“The defendant was restrained but even then he was challenging the victim.

“He told him, ‘Come on then’ and said, ‘You saw him push me.’”

The court was told Woodward had “drank a great deal that day”.

Mr Black was left with a scar on his nose as a result of the assault.

“The wound required a great deal of stitches,” Mr Evans added.

“It’s obvious there will be a scar.”

The defendant, of Halstead Street, Newport, pleaded guilty to wounding.

Woodward was a man of previous good character with no convictions recorded against him.

Abigail Jackson, representing him, said: “This was a short-lived incident which only lasted a few seconds.

“There is no evidence it’s a permanent injury.

“It was an unacceptable incident which he cannot explain and he is deeply ashamed and wishes to apologise to the victim.”

His barrister added that Woodward had pleaded guilty, accepted responsibility and was capable of being rehabilitated in the community.

The judge, Recorder Andrew Hammond, told the defendant: “This was a shocking and brutal assault.

“I’m told through the pre-sentence report it was essentially due to drink-fuelled machismo on your part.

“It was entirely unprovoked.

“You completely split your victim’s nostril.

“You used the glass as a weapon not once but four times.”

The judge said he thought society would better served by suspending Woodward’s sentence.

The defendant was jailed for 12 months, suspended for two years.

He was ordered to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work and complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

Woodward must pay Mr Black £2,000 compensation, £420 prosecution costs and a £156 surcharge.

Before the defendant left the dock, the judge said to him: “I hope this was a one-off.”