A JUDGE who sat on some of the most high profile Gwent criminal cases of recent years has retired following an “illustrious and stellar career”.

Judge Michael Fitton KC, 65, was the presiding judge in the murder trial of David Maggs and the case of nurse Cerys Price convicted of causing death by dangerous driving.

His honour brought the curtain down on a legal life that spanned more than 40 years.

He bade farewell to fellow judges, barristers and court staff at Cardiff Crown Court who gathered to pay tribute to him.

Judge Fitton was hailed by lawyer Gareth Williams as an Englishman who had “embraced” Welsh culture after moving here in 2015.

He is a keen supporter of Cardiff Rugby and Cardiff City Football Club, the gathering heard.

Mrs Justice Jefford told of how sad she was to see Judge Fitton step down after an “illustrious and stellar career”.

She said: “He was not only an outstanding advocate, he was brave, tenacious advocate, passionate about his cases and his clients’ rights.

“They could have asked for nothing more.

“His chambers colleagues describe him as a man driven by fairness and kindness in everything he did.”

The Recorder of Cardiff, Judge Lloyd-Clarke, told him: “You are a warm, funny and supportive friend.”

Clerk Toni James, speaking on behalf of the court staff, said: “Behind the scenes you have a wicked sense of humour.”

Judge Fitton was born in Kenya and moved to England on August 9 1963, the day after the Great Train Robbery, as the African country gained independence from British rule.

Brought up in Southport, Merseyside, he was educated at Lincoln College Oxford University.

He was admitted as a solicitor in 1981 by the late Lord Denning called by the BBC as “perhaps the greatest law-making judge of the century and the most controversial”.

Two years later he joined Bobbetts Harvey and Grove in Bristol and became a partner in 1985.

Judge Fitton transferred to the bar (Gray’s Inn) and joined Albion Chambers, Bristol, which he later headed.

He became a crown court recorder in 2000, a KC six years later and was appointed as judge seven years ago, first sitting at Cardiff Crown Court on April 1, 2015.

Married to Sue with two children, Tom and Alice, Judge Fitton plans to spend his retirement travelling and rekindling his love of photography.