A LARGE garden shed built without permission around two years ago has now received the approval of planning officers. 

The shed, which covers some 140 square meters and which has a natural stone and black cladding, was built in an “extensive” rear garden in Pen Y Waun Road in St Dials, Cwmbran around a year and half before the application was submitted to Torfaen Borough Council in July by Leigh Thomas 

The council had previously granted retrospective planning permission for a “family room” that had been built at the back of the house in 2009. 

A report by the planning department stated the new application there is a presumption in favour of developments intended to increase the enjoyment of a property but the impact on the character and appearance of the area, neighbours and biodiversity enhancements have to be considered. 

Planning officer Tom Braithwaite wrote: “The outbuilding is large in scale however (it) does not represent overdevelopment of the site.” 

He also said there had been no objections to the application including from the neigbouring property. 

His report said: “It is understood that this outbuilding was erected approximately 1.5 years before submission of this application, and within that time, nor during the consultation period of this application, has any representation been received from no.5 Pen Y Waun Road.  

“On balance, the impact upon this neighbour is not considered detrimental to their living conditions, and the relationship as existing is considered acceptable.” 

The application was approved with a condition that Mr Thomas, within three months, submits a plan to improve biodiversity and he has also been advised to contact Caerphilly Borough Council to see if the work requires sustainable drainage approval.