YOUNGSTERS at a Newport primary school which was abruptly forced to close just days before the autumn term started are no closer to learning when they will be able to go back.

Just days before pupils were going back after the summer earlier this year, problems were found with the building at Millbrook Primary, in Bettws. Since then youngsters have to make do with a temporary site two miles away - and no confirmation of when they can return.

The situation has gone on so long that now a mother has come forward and told the Argus about her nightmare trying to get her children, who attend Millbrook, to and from school.

She also highlighted parents’ frustrations at being left in the dark by the council - with some people speculating on Facebook that the school may have to be knocked down.

“All us parents need is help getting Newport City Council to let us know what is going on,” said the mother, who didn’t want to be named.

“If we were aware of the problems from day one we could have tried to help, like fundraising.”

In the latest statement from Newport City Council - which run the facility – no definite date has been given as to when the children can return – meaning they will have to make do with the Adult Learning Centre as their schooling base in the meantime.

The ALC is two miles from the original school site, with safety concerns raised about pick-up and drop-off arrangements – currently being done at Newport High via the use of five double-decker buses.

There were also concerns raised about the quality of school meals – food is still cooked in the old Millbrook School (which has been deemed unsafe to occupy) then transported across to the ALC.

A spokesperson for Newport City Council said options are being formulated as to what to do with the site, but nothing definite has been decided.

“Investigations of the school building have found that significantly more extensive structural repairs are required before it could be reoccupied,” said Newport City Council.

“Work to identify options for the site is now under way and a full report will be presented to the cabinet as soon as possible.

“The school can remain in Brynglas Adult Training Centre for the rest of the academic year while the nursery will stay in accommodation in Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael until Easter, with options for the summer term still being explored.”

Are you a parent at Millbrook School? How are you finding the temporary arrangement? What do your kids think of the school dinners? Let us know at or Facebook us.