A MAN found himself at risk of being recalled to prison after he caused damage to a social club’s front door by headbutting it.

Leighton Williams cracked the glass door at Caerphilly Social Club where he had drank between 10 and 15 pints of cider while “drowning his sorrows”.

Kevin Withey, prosecuting, told Newport Magistrates’ Court: “The defendant was being ejected from the club after he was found to be intoxicated.

“He had broken some glasses and was spraying drink around.

“As he was leaving he headbutted the glass door causing it to crack.

“When the police arrived, they found him outside and he said he’d had a lot to drink.”

Leighton Williams, 35, of Brynmynach Avenue, Ystrad Mynach, pleaded guilty to criminal damage.

The offence took place on Friday, December 9.

Vaughan Britton, representing Williams, said his client had been undergoing family problems at the time.

“He had been drinking more than was helpful or healthy for him,” his lawyer told the court.

“The defendant was depressed and was drinking to drown his sorrows.

“He was making a nuisance of himself and was spraying drinks around.

“The defendant thought it was funny – it wasn’t.

“He accidentally broke some pint glasses – there’s no suggestion he did so deliberately.”

The defendant is still subject to the licence conditions of an imprisonment for public protection (IPP) sentence after he was jailed for grievous bodily harm in 2008.

If offenders are given parole they are on supervised licence for at least 10 years

Although the IPP sentence was abolished in 2012, thousands of people are still subject to it, including Williams.

The Probation Service could have recommended he return to prison as a result of this conviction.

He can apply to have the IPP licence conditions quashed in three years’ time, Mr Britton said.

Williams was sentenced to a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £22 surcharge.