A TEARFUL drug user got himself more than he bargained for when he flagged down a police car after finding himself stranded following a night out.

Dylan Williams, 20, from Newport, had wanted officers to help him after he couldn’t find a taxi as he tried to make his way home from Chepstow.

But they arrested him because he was smelling of cannabis and when he was taken to the police station they found five bags of the class B drug on him.

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Kevin Withey, prosecuting, told Newport Magistrates’ Court: “Had the defendant not flagged down the police car he wouldn’t be here today.

“It was 12.15am and he said he was trying to call a taxi.

“The defendant was in tears and the officers were concerned for his welfare.”

Williams, of Chaffinch Way, Duffryn, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis.

The offence occurred on Sunday, December 11, 2022.

The defendant is “lightly convicted”, Mr Withey added, with no relevant previous convictions.

Williams, who represented himself, told the court: “I had met someone and I was trying to get a taxi to come from Newport.

“I had the cannabis on me because I was going away to work for five days and I had five bags so I would have one bag for each day.

“I was stranded and I flagged them down to help me.”

Williams was sentenced to a 12-month conditional discharge.

He must pay £85 costs and a £26 victim surcharge.

The court ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the five bags of cannabis.