A DRUNK with a terrible criminal record was thrown out of a restaurant after he became abusive to staff.

Police were called to deal with 40-year-old Nikki Griffiths because he was making a scene at Blackwood’s Codfather just before Christmas.

Miquelle Groves, prosecuting, told Newport Magistrates’ Court: “A call was made asking for assistance in getting the defendant out of the property.

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“When the police arrived he was outside and being verbally abuse to staff.

“The defendant was slurring his words and the officers could see he was clearly intoxicated.”

Griffiths was saying: “I’m not being served by a woman,” magistrates were told.

The defendant, of Clos Gronw, Blackwood, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly on December 12 last year.

This put him in breach of a community order sentence.

He has 67 previous convictions for 159 offences.

Ms Groves said Griffiths had three convictions for being drunk and disorderly in 2022 alone.

The defendant, who represented himself, told the court he had combined alcohol with his medication at the time of the incident.

“The last couple of months I was sober and I had been doing really well,” he said.

“I was sober over Christmas and I’m going to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings and I’m trying my hardest.

“I haven’t done anything stupid on the drink.

“I don’t live in Cardiff anymore, I’m living in Blackwood and I’m away from all the trouble.”

Presiding justice Mohammad Shijil Miah told Griffiths: “It’s not an excuse when you say you’ve mixed alcohol with your medication.”

The defendant was fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 towards prosecution costs as well as a £32 victim surcharge.