A DISQUALIFIED motorist was caught after he took over the wheel of his friend’s Range Rover on a return trip from Heathrow Airport.

Martin Morgan, 57, was stopped by police on the M4 motorway in Newport after he’d just swapped the driving duties with his pal “who was tired”.

The defendant and his friend had pulled in to Magor Services where the change of drivers was made.

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Morgan did this despite being banned from driving since 1994, Newport Magistrates’ Court was told.

Kevin Withey, prosecuting, said: “The defendant was pulled over by a police patrol at around 9.30am on November 27, 2022.

“He originally gave a false name – he told officers he was called Reginald Hancock.

“Further checks revealed he was a disqualified driver.

“He said he had been driving back from Heathrow where he had been to drop off a friend.”

Morgan, of Phillip’s Walk, Rhymney, Caerphilly, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and driving without insurance.

The court was told he has previous convictions for dangerous driving and driving while disqualified but has not troubled the courts in 20 years.

After the defendant was banned from driving in 1994 he was ordered to sit an extended driving test which he has never done.

Darren Bishop, representing Morgan, said: “His friend had driven his wife to catch a flight to the USA from Heathrow Airport.

“He foolishly drove because his friend was tired.

“His friend sits at the back of the court.”

Mr Bishop added: “The defendant has not been through the court for a long time.

“This was an error of judgement and he’s done wrong.”

Morgan was banned from driving for 12 months.

He was fined £240 and ordered to pay a £96 victim surcharge as well as £85 towards the prosecution costs.