A MONKEY which was flushed in a toilet and offered cocaine will "always have psychological scars", according to the animal sanctuary which now cares for her.

Millie the marmoset was moved to Monkey World in Dorset after her ordeal at the hands of her Newport owner, Vicki Holland, who a little over a year ago was convicted of three offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

At the time of her sentencing, the prosecutor said Holland had "shown total disregard to the basic care and needs" of her pet. She has been banned indefinitely from keeping animals.

Millie has been at Monkey World since 2020, and the sanctuary told the Argus she is "very settled into her life at the park".

After arriving there, Millie partnered with another marmoset named Moon, and the pair are still going strong.

"Millie is the dominant individual in the pairing, first to the food," the sanctuary revealed. "However, Moon still provides much needed reassurance whenever Millie is unsure, and rushes to her side when she alarm calls."

There haven't been any big developments in Millie's life since her ordeal in Newport, which the santuary said was a good thing.

"She deserves a peaceful, safe and happy routine life now," the park added.

Sadly, the sanctuary believes Millie will always carry the psychological scars of what happened to her.

"It takes her a long time to accept new members of staff, and she is incredibly wary of people in general," the sanctuary said. "She is kept in a quiet area of the park, shielded from public view to help keep her happy."