Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price has praised Nicola Sturgeon who this morning, February 15, resigned as First Minister of Scotland and SNP leader after more than eight years in the role.

The Plaid Cymru Leader called Ms Sturgeon a “once in a generation politician, driven by a deep and unwavering passion for her country and duty to public service”.

Mr Price thanked the SNP Leader for the “Scottish hand of friendship” that was always extended to Wales.

Responding to Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation he said: “Nicola Sturgeon is a once-in-a-generation politician, driven by a deep and unwavering passion for her country and duty to public service.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon resigns as First Minister after nine years

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon resigns as Scottish First Minister — LIVE

“Nicola’s political conviction that fairness and equality should be the guiding principles of all progressive governments has been a beacon of light in the some of the darkest days of UK democracy.

“Her Scottish hand of friendship always extended to Wales – as Nations and as people we marched together, Nicola at the helm, to create a better future free from Westminster rule.

“As 5 UK Prime Ministers came and went, each mired by scandal or incompetence – Nicola Sturgeon stood steadfast in her beliefs and dignified in her politics.

“No woman or man alone will achieve independence – but there will be some who move the dial. 

“Nicola Sturgeon’s legacy will be Scottish independence and for that and all else she has achieved; her tenure will truly be historic.

“On behalf of Plaid Cymru I extend both our thanks and best wishes to Nicola, we know that your exemplary service to Scotland will continue in the next chapter of your distinguished career.

“Diolch am bopeth.”

Ms Sturgeon has been First Minister since being elected unopposed as SNP leader in the wake of Alex Salmond's resignation following the lost independence referendum in 2014.

READ MORE: Who will succeed Sturgeon and what will SNP members consider when they choose?

She called a surprise news conference this morning to announce her decision to resign but said she would remain in post until a successor is appointed.