MP for Newport East Jessica Morden has been appointed Sir Keir Starmer’s new Parliamentary Private Secretary.

Jessica Morden has been a Labour MP since 2005 and has undertaken roles such as Shadow Vice Chamberlain of HM Household (Whip) and Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons.

Former PPS Sharon Hodgson praises Ms Morden’s agreement to become Keir Starmer’s processor and states that she will be “great support … [towards the] run-up to the next General Election and Government”.

Following her appointment, Ms Morden said she was “very pleased to have been asked by Keir to take up the role as his Parliamentary Private Secretary”.

She added: "My predecessor, Sharon Hodgson MP, did a sterling job in the role, leaving big shoes to fill, but I’m looking forward to getting started and working with Keir and his team to get a muchneeded Labour government elected in Westminster“.

Jessica Morden has long supported the steel industry's contribution to the UK economy, as she revealed that “for every 1,000 tonnes of steel produced in the UK, 4.2 direct jobs are created”.

Mr Starmer deems Ms Morden an integral and influential member of his party and has been praised throughout social media for her efforts within the party.

Ruth Jones, Newport West, congratulated Jessica Morden on her appointment.

She said: “Huge congratulations to my friend on the other side of the river on her appointment as Keir’s Parliamentary Private Secretary. It’s a fantastic appointment, and I’m sure she’ll do a great job!”

As well as John Griffiths MS, Senned Cymru, who retweeted “Llongyfarchiadau @jessicamordenmp” on Twitter.