NEWS that Newport has been ranked as the second most desirable place to live in the whole UK has been met with a mixed response from Argus readers.

Solicitors Near Me, the online platform connecting UK residents with local solicitors, has conducted the study.

They say the data showcases Newport as a "rapidly emerging desirable living destination".

The comprehensive study, "reveals significant growth in the city's housing market, with various factors, including affordability, health care, and broadband coverage, contributing to its increasing popularity among homebuyers".

What do Argus readers think of Newport being described as desirable?

It's safe to say that reaction was mixed at best.

Many people simply commented with laughing face emojis.

However, here are a few of those who took the time to voice their opinions online.

Dan Evans questioned whether the list which saw Newport in second place was "upside down".

Allan Rhys likened Newport to the Welsh Ankh-Morpork - the setting of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series - or Batman's home of Gotham City.

"There's ok bits and there is not," he said.

"If you live close to the M4 access points of the right side of the Brynglas Tunnels you're ok."

Dave Packett wondered whether the result has been "skewed by the folk moving from the other side of the bridge because its so expensive over there".

Neil Hopkin-Thomas thought the study may have been an early April Fools joke.

"Is it April 1st yet?" he asked on March 28.

Steffan Ellis, however, said: "It's a fantastic place to live. I'm surprised that it's only second."

While Maz Louise gets full marks for punctuation usage. She said: "Absolutely!!!! Where else has a Gilligans Island?"

How did Newport rank as second most desirable?

Based on the data analysis, Newport ranks second, with a total index score of 0.98.

The city's average house price stands at £225,542, and the house price index is 0.57, reflecting a stable and accessible housing market.

The mortgage affordability index for Newport is 3.3, underlining the city's attractiveness for potential homebuyers.

Additionally, Newport excels in healthcare and broadband coverage, boasting a healthcare index of 0.88 and a broadband index of 0.99.

These factors further enhance the city's appeal, offering residents a high quality of life and access to essential services.