INSPECTORS have praised a Cwmbran nursery for its "welcoming and safe" environment.

A team from Welsh inspection agency Estyn visited Henllys Village Nursery in March and they have published a report on their findings.

They said the environment is "welcoming and celebrates children’s creativity and successes through displays of their work and photographs of them in their play" promoting a "sense of belonging amongst the children."

Many children’s creative skills are "developing effectively. They play imaginatively and make buildings from recycled materials for princesses to live in and vehicles for their friends to travel in."

Practitioners provide "suitable activities that develop children’s understanding of the natural world and how to care for it".

Children are encouraged to "plant seeds and recall what they need to grow".

Children’s observational are promoted "by encouraging them to look for and name British birds in the garden".

However, inspectors noted that there is "very little opportunity for children to use incidental Welsh during their play" and children’s Welsh language skills are underdeveloped.

Observations are carried out regularly and practitioners have a "good knowledge of children’s individual needs and preferences, making good use of the key worker system".

Equality and diversity are promoted and a "suitable range of cultural and seasonal festivals such as Chinese New Year, Diwali and Easter" are celebrated.

Leaders have a "clear vision for the setting that is based around ensuring that children are happy, well cared for and have a good start to becoming lifelong learners".

Inspectors praised the nursery’s "positive ethos" where all practitioners "feel comfortable to approach managers with concerns and ideas to improve the setting".

The nursery has "close relationships with parents and carers".

Parents are informed about their "child's well-being and development effectively through informal daily conversations, newsletters, and formal consultations throughout the year".

Good hygiene routines are promoted by encouraging the children to wash their hands regularly.

"A cook prepares and provides fresh, healthy, and nutritious food to children. All practitioners hold food hygiene certificates and consistently promote healthy eating habits that include eating fresh fruit and drinking milk and water".

Recommendations made by Etsyn:

  • Ensure that children have opportunities for sustained periods of play and exploration during which they are well supported by adults.
  •  Provide more opportunities for children to develop their knowledge of the Welsh language.
  •  Introduce a wider range of toys and play materials to enhance role-play opportunities for younger children.
  •  Address the areas of non-compliance identified during the inspection.