A MAN left his next-door neighbour needing 25 stitches after biting his nose following a row about noise.

Corey Rowlands, 21, attacked Russell Lewis after the pair had been in a “scuffle” outside their homes in Caerphilly.

The victim had gone outside to confront the defendant after he’d thrown a pint glass at his lounge window.

Rowlands’ assault was fuelled by alcohol with him drinking eight or nine cans of 7% cider or a bottle of vodka a day at the time.

Prosecutor Talia Keskin told Cardiff Crown Court: “Mr Lewis had been having issues with excessive noise coming from the defendant’s property.”

Matters came to a head just after midnight on January 16 last year when Rowlands was being dropped off home in a car.

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“Mr Lewis was looking out of his lounge window and the defendant gestured as if to say, ‘What's up?’

“The defendant then threw an empty beer glass across the road at Mr Lewis' window.

“It smashed against the window, causing a loud bang. Mr Lewis thought the window was going to come through because of the force, but it didn't.

“He went straight to his front door to confront the defendant and there was a scuffle on the pavement outside Mr Lewis' address.

“The defendant bit Mr Lewis's nose and that caused him excruciating pain and his nose started bleeding profusely.”

The victim was taken to Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil where he received 25 stitches.

Rowlands, of Brynheulog Street, Penybryn pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

The defendant has previous convictions for violence.

This included a jail sentence for an assault after Rowlands threw a beer bottle across a pub which left a drinker covered in blood and needing hospital treatment.

Andrew Taylor, representing the defendant, said his client intends taking the drug Antabuse to stop him drinking alcohol.

“He’s a different person when sober,” his barrister added. “He apologises for what he’s done.”

Judge Christopher Vosper KC told Rowlands: “There had been some disagreement between you and Mr Lewis about the amount of noise that was emanating from your property, which had led to some unpleasant confrontations between you.”

He jailed the defendant for 34 months.