A WOMAN who started taking cocaine to cope with being a domestic abuse victim was “lured” into drug trafficking after being “exploited” by her dealer.

Mother-of-three Sarah Parfitt, 38, from Cwmbran was caught red-handed by police after they raided her home on September 17, 2021.

Peter Donnison, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court how officers recovered cannabis, a pot with traces of cocaine, snap bags, weighing scales and envelopes stuffed with cash.

They also recovered a mobile phone belonging to Parfitt with messages from her “advertising the sale of drugs”.

Mr Donnison added: “There were also people contacting her asking her for cocaine.”

The defendant, formerly of Molescombe, Fairwater, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine with intent to supply and being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

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She had previous convictions for theft in 2004 and assaulting a constable in 2009 but none for any drug related offences.

Tabitha Walker, mitigating, said: “She started using cocaine while in an abusive relationship.

“The defendant got in over her head.

“She still lives in fear of her drug dealer.”

The court was told Parfitt had built up a drug debt and had started dealing to pay it off.

Miss Walker added that the defendant has been offered a job to work as a chef in a pub.

The judge, Recorder Andrew Hammond, told an emotional Parfitt who was tearful throughout the hearing that she had been put in an “exploitative” situation and “lured into the supply of drugs”.

He said: “As an addict yourself you will be aware of the harm class A drugs cause.

“You played a lesser role but you were selling directly to users.”

He condemned her actions as “selfish”.

The judge added: “You have a history of being the victim of domestic violence and using cocaine to cope.

“There is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation in this case.

“You have stayed out of trouble recently and you have reasons to engage.

“You have a job lined up – these are powerful reasons.”

Parfitt was jailed for 18 months but the sentence was suspended for two years.

The defendant was ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work and must complete an eight-day rehabilitation activity requirement.