THE recent announcements by Welsh Government to re value properties in Wales is yet another kick in the teeth for home owners who will see their Council Tax rise as result of Labour's revaluation.

Home owners are already struggling to cope with the increase in interests rates, with many still reeling from the huge Council Tax rises implemented in April, by councils throughout Wales , with Caerphilly levying a whopping 7.9 per cent increase.

Labour revaluation will drive more home owners into poverty, and seriously damage an already fragile housing market.

It is clear that Welsh Labour see home owners as cash cow to exploited.

The revaluation will not only affect home owners, the private rented sector will have no alternative but pass on the extra cost to tenants resulting in more poverty and homelessness as tenants will struggle to pay increases in rent.

Labour like to talk about the cost of living while hammering home owners.

Cllr Nigel Dix


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