A JEALOUS ex-boyfriend bombarded a woman with hundreds of abusive messages and threatened to stab her family.

Ashley Brakespear sent her a "barrage" of offensive texts while she was on holiday in Spain and when she came back home to the UK.

The 25-year-old from Newport would also turn up at his former girlfriend’s flat and warn her he was going to “blow up her windows”.

Ross McQuillan-Johnson, prosecuting, said Brakespear was jailed for 10 months last year for a similar offence against the same victim.

The defendant and the woman rekindled their relationship after being released from prison but they had separated again at the time of the new offence.

He would call her a “little s*** and s***”, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

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Mr McQuillan-Johnson added: “On June 2, she estimates receiving 300 text messages, around 95 missed calls and five FaceTime calls.

“Later on that day, she said the buzzer at her flat began going off.

“She didn’t answer but the defendant was shouting up at the flat calling her a slag.

“The victim estimates he was outside her property for around 10 minutes before leaving.”

Brakespear, of Moorland Park, Newport pleaded guilty to stalking.

The offence was committed between May 18 and June 2.

He had 19 previous convictions for 24 offences.

Ben Waters, representing Brakespear, said: “This was a toxic relationship with trust issues on both sides.”

He added that his client, who had spent his childhood in foster care, was an “immature young man” who suffered with mental health problems.

The judge, Recorder David Payne, told Brakespear: “When (the victim) was abroad in Spain with her family on holiday she received a large number of messages from you by text in which you threatened to stab her family and smash her flat up.

“You also made direct threats to her and that you would smash her face in.

“You accused her of sleeping with other people and used derogatory and offensive terms towards her.”

Recorder Payne added: “You sent her a barrage of abusive messages.

“Further to this you sent her voice notes whereby you threatened to blow up her windows.

“She describes herself as being petrified of you and all she wanted is for this to stop so that she could carry on with her life.”

Brakespear was jailed for 10 months and made the subject of a seven-year restraining order not to contact his victim.