A POPULAR community centre has officially reopened following extensive refurbishment to make it more accessible to everyone.

Bulwark Community Centre in Chepstow has been renovated after receiving a grant award from the National Lottery Community Fund and Chepstow Town Council.

South Wales Argus: Bulwark Community Centre

Town Mayor Cllr Margaret Griffiths, MS Peter Fox and MP David Davies were in attendance as the centre was reopened.

Chepstow Male Voice Choir, who were at the original opening of the centre in 1994, delivered a performance and visitors were offered the chance to tour the new facility.

South Wales Argus: Guests at the reopening of Bulwark Community Centre

Improvements to Bulwark Community Centre

The work has included adding:

  • new accessible toilet areas (featuring a hoist, adult changing table and adjustable sink);
  • sliding glass doors at the front of the centre;
  • a new consulting room for small meetings and therapies;
  • acoustic improvements to the café area.


South Wales Argus: Guests at the re-opening, including Peter Fox, David Davies, Cllr Margaret Griffiths, Cllr Tudor

Dennis Burton, chair of the centre said: “It’s incredible to believe that next year will be the centre’s 30th anniversary.

"The time has flown by and I’m so proud of how well the centre has developed and played a vital role in this part of Chepstow, especially at this time when people are finding things tough and need even more support.

"My thanks to everyone that has made the redevelopment happen.”

Monmouth MS Mr Fox said: “I am so impressed by how everyone has worked together to provide such wonderful facilities.

"In particular, the new accessible toilet and adult changing facility is very welcome.”

Mr Fox said he was also hoping to use the new consulting room to hold local surgeries in the autumn of this year.