A DANGEROUS driver crashed into van when he took a blind bend on the wrong side of the road.

The uninsured Jack Brimble, 32, was being chased through residential areas in Newport by police before the officer stood down the pursuit.

This was because the defendant was speeding along Beechwood Road and Christchurch Road and driving on the wrong side of the road.

The defendant collided his Citroen C1 with a white Transit van on Firbank Avenue as he tried to make his getaway, prosecutor Hashim Salmman said.

Although both vehicles were badly damaged, “miraculously” no one was injured, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

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Van driver Adrian Williams was described as being “in a state of shock” after the crash.

Brimble and his male passenger, who was wanted by the police, fled from the scene.

The defendant hid in a nearby garden but a quick-witted resident took pictures of him and sent them to police.

An officer recognised Brimble and he was later tracked down and arrested.

The defendant was also linked to the crime after leaving his DNA – blood and saliva – on the airbag of the Citroen.

The defendant, of Station Road, Llanwern, Newport pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving with no insurance and driving without a licence.

These offences took place at around 2.45pm on Monday, October 24, 2022.

Brimble also admitted failing to surrender last month when he didn’t turn up at court for sentence.

He had previously been jailed for theft and burglary, Mr Salmman added.

Ben Waters representing the defendant said: “Fortunately, no injury was caused to others.”

The judge, Recorder Duncan Bould, told Brimble: “There was significant damage caused to both vehicles but mercifully there were no injuries.

“Both you and your passenger ran away but a member of the public saw you and had the presence of mind to take a picture of you and send it to the police.

“Your DNA was found on the airbag.

“Mr Williams experienced shock as a result of what occurred.”

Brimble was jailed for 13 months.

He was banned from driving for two years and six months and must sit an extended test before he can drive again.

The defendant must also pay a £187 victim surcharge.