WITH news of Wilko stores at risk of closure and the Original Factory Shop in Chepstow already confirming its imminent departure from the high street, Monmouthshire County Council has teased its strategy to save the region's town centres.

Empty or closing shops and businesses on high streets are unfortunately not an uncommon sight across the whole of the UK.

Monmouthshire is no exception with, in recent times, the Original Factory Shop on Chepstow high street announcing plans to close.

Wilko has also entered administration, with stores in Newport, Chepstow, Abergavenny , Pontypool, and Blackwood at risk.

However, despite high street headlines not looking too hopeful in the near future, the council have teased a plan which may offer some help.

Asked what was being done to ensure the survival of high streets and their businesses in the region, Cllr Paul Griffiths, deputy leader and cabinet member for sustainable economy, said: “We’ve got some wonderful high streets in our market towns and villages in Monmouthshire – supporting local businesses and independent retailers is so important to us and we continue to work with property owners, landlords and town councils to minimise town centre vacancies."

Cllr Griffiths revealed that the council will shortly be launching a Welsh Government programme of ‘Transforming Towns’ grants.

These grants, he said, would be focused on building improvements in Abergavenny, Caldicot, Chepstow and Monmouth.

"This will enable underused or empty properties to be brought back into use," he said.

"Further information on these grants will be released in due course."

As well as the grants, Business Monmouthshire are also offering support in starting, running and growing businesses within the county.

This is through the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Mr Griffiths said: "The Elevate programme, in partnership with Alacrity Foundation and TownSq, is also offering additional practical support.

"We would therefore encourage any business needing support to contact Melanie Phipps at melaniephipps@monmouthshire.gov.uk”