A PRE-PLANNING application consultation is taking place in Abertillery on a proposal to build flats and houses at the site of a former bowls hall.

Consultants Asbri Planning limited has been commissioned by Melin Homes to conduct the pre-application consultation before plans for 22 homes, access, engineering and associated works for the site on Vivian Street in Abertillery are lodged with Blaenau Gwent planners.

Documents that have been published as part of the pre-application process show that Melin Homes want to build 14 one-bedroom flats, four two-bedroom flats, three two-bedroom houses, and one two-bedroom bungalow at the site.

Asbri said: “When approaching the site from Castle Street, the first property located on site is the detached bungalow.

“Then, a pair of semi-detached two bed houses, and then following a short distance, the final detached two bed house.

“These properties, with the exception of the bungalow, would be two storeys in height.

“The eight one-bed and eight two-bed flats make up a large apartment building, situated to the east and southeast of the properties.

“Within this apartment building, parking would be provided at lower ground floor level with residential units on the ground and first (level).”

The proposal includes provision for 30 car parking spaces for residents and a further 10 spaces for visitors.

Asbri said: “It is considered that this over supply in visitor parking will accommodate visitors to the development, as well as existing residents along Castle Street and Vivian Street, ensuring that existing on-site vehicle parking is not displaced onto the local highway.”

As part of the proposal, wooden sheds would be built in the rear gardens of the proposed houses and bungalow to store bicycles.

Space for up to 24 bikes would be provided which would also allow residents from the flats to have designated cycle spaces.

A report based on comments coming from the consultation will be included in documents lodged to support the future application.

Asbri said: “Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must do so by the August 23.”

To respond you can e-mail comments to mail@asbriplanning.co.uk or send them to Asbri Planning Ltd, Unit 9 Oak Tree Court, Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff, CF23 8RS.